Saturday, 29 June 2013

Elizabeth Peru ·

Elizabeth Peru · 31,245 like this.
37 minutes ago · 
  • Can you imagine what life would be like if you only focused on what you love and what you are "for" rather than on what irritates you and what you are "against"? This is how I live my life. I don't go out of my way to put other people down or have a go at someone or something I don't agree with. Instead I use my valuable time to grow my energies into what I love and I support that wholeheartedly. Then I am doing my best part to make this world a better place.

    This is a view that many people do not understand, particularly if they are heavily involved in activism or cynicism. Many people believe we should be fighting against something that does or does not require change. I've never thought that way, even when very young. I always got on with my life and what I could do in my world to promote beauty and creativity. So I know it works.

    So, during this Mercury Retrograde I just wanted to share the way I live my life with you, in case you often struggle with what to focus on in your life - this may help you. As I know a lot of people often feel despondent about earth and these changing times. Life is beautiful xxx

I’d study the science of you until I turned it into an art.
The way your atoms rub together.
Molecules colliding.
Chemistry building.
Explosions of heat and radiation burning
like a star at the end of the world.

- Iain Thomas -


Thursday, 27 June 2013

to choose love

When feelings of sorrow mingle with grief,
And I see no end, escape, or relief,
I remember that no choice can be wrong,
As I have been choosing Love all along!

This week welcomes Venus into the sign of Leo and Mercury turning retrograde (as I type this - hope it's not late haha!). In addition to these aspects the Sun is entering into a "T-square" with Pluto and Uranus that I will address more next week. What all this points to is a time when we are presented with the opportunity of breaking out of the old patterns of being "small" and "wrong" and stepping more fully into our creative power/juices! Go for it!

~ Kaypacha, Tom Lescher

Monday, 24 June 2013

The question is not 'what is happening to you?' The question is 'what are you going to do about it?' The question is not 'what do you want?' The question is 'what do you choose?' Emotion feels. Passion does. Desire wants. Commitment creates. Excuses fulfill egos. Accountability fulfills destinies. Life doesn't reward the person who has the best story of suffering; it rewards the person who refuses to allow those sufferings to define their story.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Personalitate alfa

Personalitate alfa · 21,298 like this.
17 June at 16:09 near Timisoara, Timis · 
  • Cum sa ii ajut pe altii sa se schimbe? Cum sa fiu lider? Cum sa ii motivez pe altii? Cum sa ii fac sa ma asculte si sa ma vada ca pe o autoritate? Cum sa fac sa ma respecte lumea? La toate aceste intrebari, exista un singur raspuns corect. Sparge-le nasul cu forta puterii exemplului tau, cu rezultatele tale uimitoare care ii lasa pe toti in urma. Atunci, si doar atunci, ti-ai castigat dreptul de a ajuta, schimba si a fi lider.


Ai grija pe unde calci straine, s-ar putea sa calci peste visele mele...Am primit vorbe si am risipit incredere. Am primit vorbe si am risipit speranta. Am primit vorbe si am risipit caldura. Am primit vorbe si am risipit visuri. Am primit vorbe si am risipit dragoste. Am primit vorbe si...m-am risipit…Ai privit vreodată cu inima? Ochii sunt de prisos, iar ceea ce contează e doar ace...a căldură...Mă... întreb, trecătorule, dacă tu poţi să-mi înţelegi privirea...Sunt o flacără care se ascunde în ochii tăi atunci când zâmbesti...Înfruntă-ţi trecutul fără regret. Fă faţă prezentului cu încredere. Pregăteşte-te pentru viitor fără teamă. Păstrează încrederea şi scapă de frică. Nu da crezare îndoielilor şi nu te îndoi de convingerile tale. Viaţa este minunată dacă şti cum să o trăieşti. Învaţă să te bucuri de fiecare moment din viaţa ta. Fii fericit acum. Nu te aştepta ca altceva exterior ţie să te facă fericit mai târziu. Gândeşte-te cât de preţios e timpul tău, indiferent dacă-l petreci la serv..

Thursday, 20 June 2013

"In Dzogchen texts various symbols distinguish between the conceptual dualistic “mind” and the self-liberated, non dual “nature of mind”. The thoughts of the dualistic judging mind are symbolized as clouds that arise and dissolve in the open vastness of the skylike nature of mind. The mirror is also a potent tool for illustrating this distinction. The mirror reflects all things, beautiful or horrible, and the dualistic mind gets caught up in the reflections, judging what it likes and dislikes, becoming emotionally charged about relatively inconsequential matters. The Dzogchen teachings advise us not to identify with the passing reflections but to recognize that our true nature of mind is the mirror’s infinite capacity for reflection."

- artwork and quote by Alex Grey

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Angel Numbers" For number 11: "Pay attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas, as they're answers to your prayers. This number also signifies a highly creative person who needs to avoid addictive behaviors"

"Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is the dimension of here and now which thinking and time cuts out. This is it. And if you don't get it here, you won't get it anywhere." -Joseph Campbell
Art by Bruce Harman
Reality pulls you toward Itself, and illusion pulls you toward itself. If you let go the pull of Reality, you get drowned in the ocean of illusion. If you lean toward both, you get crushed. So let go the pull of illusion through love and become One with Reality. 

~ Meher Baba

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

"The One"

We all want a soulmate. “The One.”

Your perfect partner who can read your mind and finish your sentences.
We want fate and fireworks.

But believing in predetermined destiny is limiting.
It leaves little room for adventure and what life may want to give you.
What if The One isn’t who you thought they would be?

Love isn’t always syrupy sweet kisses and walking off into the sunset.
Sometimes the purpose of a soul mate is to tear down your walls, shake you awake, and reveal new parts of yourself.

They become a mirror that exposes new dimensions of you, parts that you may relish in or shrink from.
Soul mates give you the opportunity to notice personal obstacles. 
And then actually do something about them.

They can force you to your own leading edge.
To grow.

But all that emotional fever does not guarantee that they are your life partner.
Often riveting romances grip us in their clutch just to introduce the prospect of ruthless awareness. Introspection.
They make us so loony and out of control that we have to evolve and transform.

Sometimes it’s their job to break your heart open.

And then leave.

I’m convinced that our cultural understanding of soul mates and “The One” are small, limiting incomplete.

Lacking breath and depth.

We don’t give “soul mates” enough credit for their potential emotional upheaval and transformative waves. Soul mates are not necessarily forever. Sometimes they come into our lives just to introduce us to a demon we need to beat. And then they leave.

And we must muster up the courage to let them go. 
Because they were never supposed to stay. 
Realize that they were the messenger and now we are left with the task of growing and evolving.

And “The One?” Doesn’t that sound a bit fairy tale-ish?
I’m not intimating that you’re not allowed strong ideas around what you want in a relationship, but the rigidity of a romance complete with zero confrontation or compromise and a partner who is an ideal height, weight, eye color and  “always” gets you the perfect anniversary present?

Well, it is, perhaps, a bit unrealistic. And leaves little room for variety.

Maybe your otherwise perfect partner will always leave the wet laundry in the washer until you find it.

Maybe they like Italian food when you want sushi.

Maybe they’re THE worst gift giver and you always have to return what they buy you.

Maybe they’re not who your mother/father/co-workers/friends think you would have chosen.
Does this make them not The One?

The One is “The One” because you say so.

It’s the partner you declare THE one and only. 
The partner who, in your own way, you love like they are “The One.”

So don’t discount that amazing person because of their height.
Or because you can’t complete each other’s sentences.
Or because you occasionally argue.
And don’t cling to a soulmate who’s served their purpose of opening you up and breaking you free.

You get to choose your own One.

Who you love is up to you.
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

- Carl Jung -

art by Marco Escobedo Art and Design - Angels and Demons

If you are troubled by external circumstances, it is not the circumstances that trouble you, but your own perception of them - and they are in your power to change at any time. ~Marcus Aurelius

Life is not about winning or losing, and it is definitely not about comparing the value of your life based on other's lives, it's about living freely, sharing abundantly, receiving graciously, and giving without expectations.
-Journi Roe, Author

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. People with this disorder do the same thing over and over because repeating the same ritual activity relieves the anxiety and panic they feel within. So...even with "normal" people (what is normal?!) repeating the same behavior, like chanting prayers or listening to the same song or doing a particular workout routine or running, or knitting, or a certain craft hobby, can be sort of addicting because it is repeating ritual behavior that is simple over and over again because it requires focus and attention, so it is distracting from the tension or worry we feel when we are doing nothing and are alone with our thoughts...we perform these "rituals" to release anxiety.

Yearning for a deeper connection, beyond superficial chatter and conversation to fill the void of silence. A yearning for revelation coming from the deepest parts of you and me. The connection of souls, seeking balance and refuge from the illusory reality put in place. To escape the ties that bind us and belittle the omnipotence of the presence that is I AM. Longing to discover the vast potential of what we can create together. Together as one channeling the unlimited source of energy of love and light. Bringing together the pieces of the puzzle that have left humanity in an inquisitive state. To begin discovering what this experience is all about. This funny thing we call life. Isnt it funny though, always guessing, never really knowing. Just going with a feeling and allowing the waves to throw you around. It all seems like a big joke, the more you "know". All I can do is laugh at the thought of ever knowing it all. Jokes on you, jokes on me. With this, I hope to lead into the transparency of we.

The only way to free a people is to enlighten their minds, to teach them how their world could be if they understood the lies they've learned from the cradle. For this reason, those in power always silence those who speak the truth. ~S. James Nelson

The Law of Detachment: In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe

“When your attention moves into the Now, there is an alertness.
It is as if you were waking up from a dream, the dream of thought, the dream of past and future. Such clarity, such simplicity. No room for problem-making. Just this moment as it is.”

~ Eckhart Tolle

A canvas underlies the differences between paints, their colors and shapes. Consciousness is like a canvas in this way. Distinction between good and bad, right and wrong, pleasure and pain, all rise from a primordial knowing underneath it all. In meditation and other mindfulness activities, we recognize the fundamental ground of being beyond thought.

Life is not about winning or losing, and it is definitely not about comparing the value of your life based on other's lives, it's about living freely, sharing abundantly, receiving graciously, and giving without expectations.
-Journi Roe, Author

And sometimes you are love; sometimes you are mind; sometimes you are thoughts; sometimes you are world; and sometimes you are spiritual. And I understand that each moment You are Divine; You are Light; You are pure Consciousness; You are Truth.

"Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. What we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.
I will put the Law of Karma into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:

1. Today I will witness the choices I make in each moment. And in the mere witnessing of these choices, I will bring them to my conscious awareness. I will know that the best way to prepare for any moment in the future is to be fully conscious in the present.

2. Whenever I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: "What are the consequences of this choice that I'm making?" and "Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice?"

3. I will then ask my heart for guidance and be guided by its message of comfort or discomfort. If the choice feels comfortable, I will plunge ahead with abandon. If the choice feels uncomfortable, I will pause and see the consequences of my action with my inner vision. This guidance will enable me to make spontaneously correct choices for myself and for all those around me."

~ Deepak Chopra

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Divinitatea nu poate deveni "prizonierul" niciunei religii, credinte, biserici, constructii sau persoane. Pentru ca Divinitatea le contine pe TOATE.
Atunci, daca vrei sa-ti marurisesti in fata Divinitatii iubirea vesnica pentru un alt om, poti s-o faci oriunde, nu doar intre anumiti pereti ziditi si valorizati de oameni... muritori.
See translation

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Stay small and sweet and you will truly become big. And if you think you are very big and important in any field or aspect, the downfall will begin.

~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar