plangand in liniste imi curat gandul
cu marturia explicand-ul,
cu liniste elibarand-ul
cu dificultate materializand-ul
prin bincecuvantare curatand-ul
in meditatie intorcand-ul
constientizand gandul
subiectiv asortand-ul
spre sine intorcand-ul
pentru a materializa ce fac acum pentru maine nu maine pentru atunci
cautand-umi sufletul pentru regasirea de sine
pentru intelegerea si manifestarea divinitatii universului
pentru a manifesta adevarata menire umana prin viata curenta,
marturisind gandul spre acea meditare
unde calea cea dreapta va iesi in zare
prin alegerea facuta ca atare
dand voie raspunsului sa-mi iasa in cale
dincolo de gand e sentimentul ce il materializam prin limbaj si perceptie
in suflet formandu-se o impacare cu aceasta constientizare, oferind-ui ascultare,
cu gandul corrupt ca atare...
your soul is aching to know for you to know thyself...

..."If One is seeking for the meaning of life, living in the present moment is the simplest truth to realize, yet IT is the hardest thing for most to grasp. For many of us have our EYE on the future, as we reach for something we wish to accomplish or achieve. While many others will have their EYE on the past, remembering what once was, the pleasures and pains of yesterday, holding on to those memories from so long ago.
Neither of these perspectives brings any clarity into our daily living, but in fact IT works in reverse, as IT disconnects us from the felt presence of immediate experience. Ask your-self this question, when do you want to FEEL harmony in your life? Yesterday, tomorrow, or today in your present moment? To reach IT today, then we must dissolve the 'thoughts' which bind us to the illusions of yesterday and tomorrow. These thoughts are real, but if you take a walk outside and look at nature, listen to the wind blowing through the tr...ees, look at the clouds transforming above us in the sky, watch the sun and moon move without effort, now can You show me yesterday and tomorrow? They only exist in the dreaming mind, as looking closer at nature reveals that they are nowhere to be found, for only in this moment, which is eternal and ever changing, can Truth ever BE discovered.
This is where all your power originates from, this IS where all thought comes from, as this IS where you ARE! If we are dreaming of the past or the future we are not living in this moment, for our consciousness cannot be in both places at the same time. This happens to many of us as we drive, we can get so lost in our thoughts that we didn't even realize we drove many many miles, if you were lost in thoughts, who was doing the steering? Look closer at your own personal nature, and the mysteries of the universe will unfold like a living mirror. This realization is the key to co-creating in our lives, for IT does take a Awakened mind to dissolve the chains of the dreaming mind. Then we can discover the simplest truth, that the past is only a memory, the future is only a vision, so look well into your present moment, for IT is the only place One will ever BE!" ~Alistar Valadez...See more
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