Everything is energy. Everything we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell is made of different wavelengths vibrating at different frequencies. Our brain is like a translator that has the ability to interpret these frequencies into what we perceive to be our physical reality. So we interpret an energy cluster as a chair, or a tree, or another person. We perceive them as physical or solid, but break them down to their smallest particles and they're all just energy. There are non-physical energies as well, of course. Our thoughts, for example, are just different vibrations.
Every time you think a thought, you send out that thought's specific vibration. If a thought makes you feel good, if it's a "positive" thought, it is vibrating at a higher frequency. If a thought makes you feel bad, if it's a "negative" thought, it's vibrating at a lower frequency. So, "I hate you" has a much lower frequency than "I love you", for example.
We attract the frequencies that we project. We create our reality not only by every choice that we make but also every thought that we think. Choose wisely.
Learn more at http:// www.deliberatereceiving.com/ how-our-thoughts-affect-our-vib ration.html#axzz2amGH43Gi
Art by Sam Farrand
Every time you think a thought, you send out that thought's specific vibration. If a thought makes you feel good, if it's a "positive" thought, it is vibrating at a higher frequency. If a thought makes you feel bad, if it's a "negative" thought, it's vibrating at a lower frequency. So, "I hate you" has a much lower frequency than "I love you", for example.
We attract the frequencies that we project. We create our reality not only by every choice that we make but also every thought that we think. Choose wisely.
Learn more at http://
Art by Sam Farrand
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