Monday, 30 September 2013

Swami YogSri

To discover your own seed, you have to follow your own intuitions, not the outer expectations. The nurturing of this seed is the source of fulfillment and joy. And soon you find flowers of life. You find richness of life in you. Overflowing.

Being easy with the Existence is more than enough. And what I understand that in your that easiness, a complete acceptance starts taking shape in you.

You are very important very precious and you feel it and I appreciate it

And there is no complaint just none

For those who want to live -- not to think about it, but to love; not to think about it, but to be; not to philosophize about it -- there is no other alternative: then just be there in Now. This moment is not going to come back again. Once gone, it is gone forever. Yes.

And now something is new
some freshness is there
you are singing a new song
a new song of your own
you have learned a new dance
and you are dancing in joy
you are smiling silently
smiling within your own
you are feeling a new person
a new person in yourself
and there is a smile on your lips
you are sensing some vibes
new vibes of inner joy
a breeze of rejoice
unseen unknown unheard
now you hear voice of your flow
like a river is flowing inside
you want to raise your arms
to see whether feathers are there
and still you say
even 'I' can fly Now'''

Be clearly aware of the stars and infinity on high. Then life seems almost enchanted after all.

- Vincent van Gogh -

art by Alex Ruiz - Starry Night

Friday, 27 September 2013

Advaita (Nonduality, Oneness, One Love)

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.

~ Chuang Tzu
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Thursday, 26 September 2013

The heart is in Now, and the mind is everywhere except in Now''''

Elizabeth Peru
 · 38,874 like this.
8 August at 08:45 · 
  • So there's lots of hype going round about The Sun's Magnetic Field Reversal due in a few months. Here's my take on it..."From what I understand, these solar reversals occur during every solar maximum as part of the 22 year cycle - the sun's build up of activity for 11 years and then it's pull in for 11 years - the sun's in and out breath. So this has happened before and will occur again. For us of course we can expect great shifts in consciousness and in world events we will see a coming together of humanity for a common cause, as has been happening hugely in 2013 already as part of the solar max. Best we all take responsibility for our lives and look into the path of our soul with deep intent. So we can make the most of this special period and not be frightened or out of our power." xxx

Swami YogSri

Simplicity is easy; really very simple. It is as easy as the flow of a river. It is as simple as the flow of the wind. It is as genuine as the fragrance of a flower. Simplicity is simple. It never demands your concepts; your ideas; your opinions; your informative knowledge. And really it demands nothing from you. It is naturally natural. It is natural kindness of your being. It is awakened flow of your being. It is unconditional love of your being.

Existence never creates anything or anyone less than beautiful''''''''''''

No new mistake and you are growing in awareness'''''''''''''
And just do not forget you are a great love energy. You can heal others. You can bring peace to others. You can make this world much beautiful. Love energy in you is very much flowing. Just remember, each moment. You can create a better health to this environment. Yes. Only you. And just make it sure, more you share, more you allow the flow of your energy, greater is your growth; remember that the source is not away from it. It is in you. It is you.

Breathing exercises should be deep, slow, rhythmic, and through the nose, not through the mouth. The most important parts of deep breathing has to be regulating your breaths three to four seconds in, and three to four seconds out.

1. Inhale through your nose, expanding your belly, then fill your chest. Counting to five.
2. Hold and Count to three. Feel all your cells filled with golden, healing, balancing Sun light energy.
3. Exhale fully and Feel all your cells releasing waste and emptying all old energy. Counting to five.

no thinking in the heart
your heart knows no thinking
it flows, just flows
never stop it, just express
express with awareness
express in awareness
dont creates blocks for it
dont create resistance for it
dont put in a closed room
it is Yes
it is the Yes''' of your being
yes to life, yes to your livingness
everyday, every hour, every second, every moment
it is Now, it is
completely non-dual
never living in conflict
never living in confusion
never living in doubt
never living in contradiction
never living in calculation
Just flowing, just natural
as it is, without any judgement
coordinate it, cooperate it
dont control it
dont punish it
dont treat it like a plastic
it is your life, your liveliness
it is ever ready to sing
it is ever ready to dance
it is ever ready to dream
it is ever ready to fly
fly with it, fly with it without wings
now, always, ever

Love functions as a mirror. Love is a spiritual mirror. It nourishes you; it makes you ready for the inner journey. Love sends you back to yourself. It reminds you of your originality. Yes, it is a reminder that you are not only a life but a love life.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Elizabeth Peru

 THE NEW WEEK: Can you feel the push to live authentically? The week ahead will be supporting us to do just this. Why? Because for the next 2-3 days there are very few major planetary alignments affecting us. We are left to our own devices and this means 'get to know you'. There is nothing or no one to blame or put cause to outside of you. It's up to you to live with authority in your life. Authentic living is acting on what is best for you every day. Knowing what is best for you requires that you are in constant communion with soul. Head and heart aware of one another and not arguing, but agreeing with what direction and action is best for you. Living authentically may not make you the most popular kid on the block. Authentic people, don't concern themselves with being popular. They concern themselves with living their truth and not arguing with anyone else about what that truth is. Enjoy this week. You have so much potential within you to rise up (heart to head) and live a sincere, strong, loving life xxx off you go!

WORKING THROUGH GRIEF: Many souls are currently undergoing a release of their old ways, places, people, circumstances and belief patterns. Perhaps this is you? When we undergo such radical changes and some experience or person or loved one or place leaves us, we can feel a great sense of loss. Almost as if our heart has been ripped out and our sense of self identity has gone with whatever left. It is because we were perhaps so firmly identified and had given so much of our energy to that which has left, that we sense the loss. It is during such loss we are hurting and may have no one or no thing to express that hurt through but ourselves. And thus, people in grief will often abuse their very selves and bodies, as a way of expressing their pain. So we can starve ourselves, over eat, get drunk, take mind altering drugs, over exercise, become promiscuous, shut down from the world, stay indoors, over sleep etc. etc. A myriad of coping ways can be experienced. Each of us is different. You may find you need to go through a cycle of grief in order to accept your loss. What is important is that you allow yourself to feel what you are feeling and share this with others if you need and be honest with yourself. So you know you are not alone. That this is a cycle of change for you, and that it too will pass into the new. I trust this helps anyone grieving a loss of anything at present. Know that the new day will come in. Please feel free to share how you are right now xxx Love to you xxx
 #ElizabethPeru #Grief

 THE NEXT 24HRS: How are you flowing this week? As Equinox energies still charge through us the sense of renewal and release is high. As I said yesterday we are in a quieter celestial influence until mid-week. Are there big changes required in your life? Could the core of those changes simply be you accepting who you are and being brave enough to live that person in your everyday life? I see way too many people go through unnecessary turmoil, suffering and low self worth because they refuse to be themselves. They are too busy trying to be what they "think" mum and dad or their partner or employer or friends etc, want them to be. Please hear this: You are under an illusion if you think that others want you to be anything other than yourself. For people are so caught up in their own thinking about who they are, that they do not have the energy to focus on you. And that is the truth. Meditate on this and you shall understand. So the upshot is: No one is watching you other than you. No one else to blame, no excuses. Period. So now, who is going to make the decisions on what is right for you? Why you are of course. Make them. Then act on them. Action is the critical step that most people miss out. I keep saying this same message day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year in different guises. And I will keep saying it, so that you may hear. Love to you. Go be you xxx #ElizabethPeru

 WED SEPT 25 SPECIAL DAY: This Wednesday is the final 22 Master Number Day for 2013...(2+5+0+9+2+0+1+3)= 22 We have had eleven 22 Master Days since June and now the portal closes. Children born on these days are charged with a pattern of focused building of worthy projects that benefit humanity, throughout their entire lifetime. 22 is the energy of 'double peace', great patience, an inner core of strong stability, responsibility, respectability and determination. These are the energies we invoke today in our lives. Tap into them and move the heart and soul based projects along in your life with this force. Many people discount the energy of number days saying we are living under an imposed calendar system and that if we follow number days we stay locked in this system. I view this very differently. Yes there are systems on Earth and yes we learn within them, our way, rather than blindly following the stet path (secret tip: this is how systems eventually change). If you focus on how much you despise a system then you will spend your life trying to battle it and break free from it. What if instead for all intents and purposes you seem to be living with the system, but you are focused on personal freedom, living your life as your own leader, creating a path true to you. Using the system to benefit you rather than take from you. I have found life runs very smoothly this way. Love to you all magnificent beings. Work life your way xxx #ElizabethPeru

Swami YogSri

I appreciate myself
as You are with me
You are the right person
You are the right heart
You are the right soul
You possess a pure mind
Your thoughts are crystal clear
You are just kindness
You are the simplicity
You are on divine journey
You are courage
You are intellect
You are the wisdom
You are the love
You are the light
pride flows through me
as you are real
on the path of awareness
towards your own awakening
towards collective awakening
towards super awakening
towards cosmic awakening

It is in your hand

When you create a great harmony in you; when you become so harmonious that whatsoever you are doing is your joy; then a big explosion of Happiness happens in you. Then suddenly a real happiness follows you and now you are not putting any effort to bring happiness in your life. Your happiness is now effortless. It becomes your way; it becomes your breathe; it becomes a beat of your heart; remains with you; remains around you; remains in you.

Your real joy is not a titillation produced by things or circumstances.
 It belongs to you, your inner state of peace, meditative state of your being. Just celebrate it.

Swami YogSri

The moment you become aware your silence in the middle of the noise, you are in meditation.

Not the quantity but the quality of your love will make this world more beautiful.

Ocean of Peace is simply waiting for the flow of your Love.

The mind has the greatest skill and is of great functional utility.

To be a learner is really painful.

When a disciple is ready there inside, he forces the master to shower his blessings''''''''

By bringing the light of understanding into fear’s dark corners, you venture outside the boundaries of your comfort zone and something lively starts taking shape in you. And there is no shadow of darkness, no running away, no escape; you are living now. As living as a living soul.

Even if you can spend a single day in complete gratitude, just without a single complaint, without any blame, without any guilt, without any question, you will see a new person is coming out of you. Yes, a new person of eternal newness.

And there is no logic in blaming others for this chaos in the world.

The tragedy of life is not the death, but non-living.

As a disease is contagious so as the health is.

When you blend your unique talent with service to others, you experience true joy, happiness and peace.

Life is a genuine opportunity for love to blossom.

'''''"""""Everyone of us is here to establish his/her identity; we are trying hard to prove this and that; we are struggling to justify our borrowed knowledge; we are no more easy; we are no more relaxed; we just want to say loudly that our is the best; only we are the best on this planet; our language is the best; our region is the best; our culture is the best; our knowledge is the best; our society is the best; our race is the best; and still with a shallow mind we are saying that we are One; all are equal; God is one; humanity is one; And we are feeding our subconscious and unconscious mind with a food of non-unity. We just do not know what we are doing, what we have done. During the last 5,000 years we have fought more than 10, 000 wars. And see still we are going the same say. This is our planet, and we are paying cost of living peacefully. No, it cannot be, we just cannot use non-peace means to bring peace. And really do we need some big mishappenings to awake. More love is needed, more kindness is needed, much understanding is needed and a greater awakening is needed. It is the time and no one from the space is going to save us. Yes, Now.......................

The Vayu Mudra helps to balance the air inside the body.
Thus, the benefits of the Vayu Mudra extend to problems such as flatulence and joint pain related to rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, or gout.
This Mudra is also said to help with the uncontrollable tremors experienced by those suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
If you feel uneasy after a meal, you should practice the Vayu Mudra while seated in the Vajra Asana (Diamond Pose).
It can also be used for pain management for the victims of polio.

Relax; easy; be easy, more and more; your easiness, your softness, your kindness will only make this planet more beautiful.

Looking for the Light'''''''''''''
just sit down
with straight spine
hands on knees
softly closing eyes
start with breathing
five to ten minutes
just breathing
deep, slow and long
and feel the air
going in and coming out
touching gently the nostrils
it goes deep
deeper to lower lungs
it’s a divine joy
focus on third eye
middle of eye brow
between the eyes
softly, gently
no pressure
no fight with thoughts
easy, be easy
no control
and the path is there
to awareness
to awakening

And you are flowing''''''''''''''''

A Master is a great space, you can take anything from any side'''''''''''''''''''