THE NEW WEEK: Can you feel the push to live authentically? The week ahead will be supporting us to do just this. Why? Because for the next 2-3 days there are very few major planetary alignments affecting us. We are left to our own devices and this means 'get to know you'. There is nothing or no one to blame or put cause to outside of you. It's up to you to live with authority in your life.
Authentic living is acting on what is best for you every day.
Knowing what is best for you requires that you are in constant communion with soul. Head and heart aware of one another and not arguing, but agreeing with what direction and action is best for you.
Living authentically may not make you the most popular kid on the block.
Authentic people, don't concern themselves with being popular. They concern themselves with living their truth and not arguing with anyone else about what that truth is.
Enjoy this week. You have so much potential within you to rise up (heart to head) and live a sincere, strong, loving life xxx off you go!
WORKING THROUGH GRIEF: Many souls are currently undergoing a release of their old ways, places, people, circumstances and belief patterns. Perhaps this is you? When we undergo such radical changes and some experience or person or loved one or place leaves us, we can feel a great sense of loss. Almost as if our heart has been ripped out and our sense of self identity has gone with whatever left.
It is because we were perhaps so firmly identified and had given so much of our energy to that which has left, that we sense the loss. It is during such loss we are hurting and may have no one or no thing to express that hurt through but ourselves. And thus, people in grief will often abuse their very selves and bodies, as a way of expressing their pain.
So we can starve ourselves, over eat, get drunk, take mind altering drugs, over exercise, become promiscuous, shut down from the world, stay indoors, over sleep etc. etc. A myriad of coping ways can be experienced. Each of us is different.
You may find you need to go through a cycle of grief in order to accept your loss. What is important is that you allow yourself to feel what you are feeling and share this with others if you need and be honest with yourself. So you know you are not alone. That this is a cycle of change for you, and that it too will pass into the new.
I trust this helps anyone grieving a loss of anything at present. Know that the new day will come in. Please feel free to share how you are right now xxx Love to you xxx
#ElizabethPeru #Grief
THE NEXT 24HRS: How are you flowing this week? As Equinox energies still charge through us the sense of renewal and release is high. As I said yesterday we are in a quieter celestial influence until mid-week. Are there big changes required in your life? Could the core of those changes simply be you accepting who you are and being brave enough to live that person in your everyday life?
I see way too many people go through unnecessary turmoil, suffering and low self worth because they refuse to be themselves. They are too busy trying to be what they "think" mum and dad or their partner or employer or friends etc, want them to be.
Please hear this: You are under an illusion if you think that others want you to be anything other than yourself. For people are so caught up in their own thinking about who they are, that they do not have the energy to focus on you. And that is the truth. Meditate on this and you shall understand.
So the upshot is: No one is watching you other than you. No one else to blame, no excuses. Period.
So now, who is going to make the decisions on what is right for you? Why you are of course. Make them. Then act on them. Action is the critical step that most people miss out.
I keep saying this same message day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year in different guises. And I will keep saying it, so that you may hear.
Love to you. Go be you xxx
WED SEPT 25 SPECIAL DAY: This Wednesday is the final 22 Master Number Day for 2013...(2+5+0+9+2+0+1+3)= 22
We have had eleven 22 Master Days since June and now the portal closes. Children born on these days are charged with a pattern of focused building of worthy projects that benefit humanity, throughout their entire lifetime.
22 is the energy of 'double peace', great patience, an inner core of strong stability, responsibility, respectability and determination. These are the energies we invoke today in our lives. Tap into them and move the heart and soul based projects along in your life with this force.
Many people discount the energy of number days saying we are living under an imposed calendar system and that if we follow number days we stay locked in this system. I view this very differently.
Yes there are systems on Earth and yes we learn within them, our way, rather than blindly following the stet path (secret tip: this is how systems eventually change).
If you focus on how much you despise a system then you will spend your life trying to battle it and break free from it. What if instead for all intents and purposes you seem to be living with the system, but you are focused on personal freedom, living your life as your own leader, creating a path true to you. Using the system to benefit you rather than take from you.
I have found life runs very smoothly this way. Love to you all magnificent beings. Work life your way xxx