Let there be a travelling on the path to ‘Totality’. with totality. It is as natural as breathing. As simple as your ‘seeing’. And there no fight, no clash, no duality is going inside. You are ‘Total’ now. Completely without any fragments. And your life finds a new dimension of Oneness.

And it takes you higher and higher; you just do not feel any pull of the gravity. It is more like a flying without wings. And it is just a very first glimpse of your freedom; just a very moment of rising sun. The whole light is there. Now you are neither imposing nor feeling being imposed upon. And you are still there in your world but with greater fragrance of inner freedom.
The only authentic responsibility is towards your own potential, your wisdom, your own intelligence and awareness -- and to act accordingly; and to act with kindness; to act with softness; to act with love; to act with light. You are not a thing, you are not an object. Values have not to be imposed on you; you have to create your own values; you are creating them. They should grow with your awareness, in you.
Not to be sensitive is simply a punishment. You believe no one can hurt you, but you never know you cannot be happy. Sensitivity is not your weakness. It is your true celebration; it is the voice of your soulfully living. And you find no celebration of life in a sofa, in a chair. It is the greatest softness of your heart, your core. You keep expanding in your divinity. It is your availability. ‘Yes’; Now.
Now there is little more shine in your Yes. Your 'yes' to your life. Your courage to accept the flow of your life is more broad now. And your awareness to become more watchful is more brighter.
When you are enough kind to yourself, the world feels your kindness.
Meditation is a surgical event that throws out which is not yours.
You are the best. You have been given the best role to play. Perform it wisely. Play it with kindness. This is your movie; you are the main character in it. Make it living and loving with a great sense of awareness. Put your soul in it. This movie --' This Life'-- is the best opportunity with you. Make something great of it with your sweet words, with your kind actions, with your love, with your wisdom, with your courage and with your awareness.
Once awakens, it never sleeps back; at least in this life period. Yes, this is your Kundalini. There is no way of its going dormant again. It remains active throughout your life. Yes, the degree of its activeness keeps changing. And in case you handle it wisely with your awareness, it brings a creative transformation in you. All major and minor chakras located in etheric body demands a particular portion of this energy. All those chakras naturally require a generous flow. And it is only upto you. It is your own intelligence, your own courage and your own awareness.
Meditation throws you directly into your inner emptiness.
And Meditation is not your requirement. It is your state, original state. Your real reality is meditation, is meditative. Except the mind in you, all is in meditation, naturally, itself.
No communication has so far been made, unless it is from the heart to the heart.......
When you are celebrating the beauty of your aloneness, you are in Meditation.
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