In the beginning there was only darkness and chaos.
The primordial Asura transmuted light into darkness and created life.
This formless being is the source of every living being in the universe.
This being consists of everything.
This being is the “I AM” presence of the universe.
This being is omnipresent, formless, timeless and sexless.
This being simply IS and it is a mistake to call it GOD and give to it a male direction.
We give to it a male direction because of the necessity to express its active power over everything but it is NOT a being with self-knowledge and a specific form that provides direction.
YOU choose the direction you will have within this being.
YOU are the direction of this being.
And so, there are hierarchies of divinities that have more power than you over the direction of the omnipresent force of Logos that gives forms (idols) and identities to its attributes that are expressed THROUGH them and not out or above them.
The war of the gods or the angelic wars or any other form of war is WITHIN this being that many hierarchies of the divinities try to direct in their own forms of thought and empower their own matrix with the most valuable energetic source in the universe that is YOUR thought and YOUR soul.
You have FREE WILL within this being but your free will is limited by YOUR choices.
Your actions create negative or positive attachments, karmic and energetic relations with other beings that even if they are not aware of it in this lifetime; they are part of some hierarchy of higher or lower divinities that may also be part of larger collective organisms.
No one is completely free and whoever says this is strongly mistaken. We are all interconnected and interrelated and your freedom is limited by the power that these hierarchies may have on you.
Even if you choose to isolate yourself (if this is even possible for mortals) you WILL need to bring more people into your own thought patterns to give reasoning to your existence.
You can choose to have no reason for existence but then you have to reject your existence and fade away in nothingness, because if you choose to act and live starting from your isolated state, you still interact and you create attachments as well as karmic and energetic bondages and you go all over the whole process again.
You can reach the state of the formless and that is the only way out from every limitation. The way to do this is to REVERSE all the karmic variables (sins), but even then you will still need to interact with the forms one way or another.
Creating a thought pattern that rejects the interaction does not mean that you or anyone can avoid dealing with the truth.
There is a deeper truth and a deeper fundamental reality that NO ONE can avoid.
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