Thursday, 16 May 2013

mmmThe problem is, most of the negative ETs are vibrating in the 3D and 4D realms and so are often visible to 3D and 4D humans

The problem is, most of the negative ETs are vibrating in the 3D and 4D realms and so are often visible to 3D and 4D humans. Many of the higher, more loving races exist in 5D, 6D and 7D and can only be contacted by humans who are attuned to those densities. So it APPEARS there are a lot of negative ETs involved with Earth. And of course, most of the world's rulers are controlled by negative ETs (because of their lust for power).

There are many different "species" of aliens. Here's my latest assessment including those in human embodiment:

Orion Constellation
Councils of Rigel & Betelguese, Incarnates from Mars and Maldek
Pleiades System 7D
Adamic Race (original earthlings) from Lyra/Vega DNA, Atlantean Priest-Kings
Sirius B Binary System
Biblical Gods, Greek Gods, descendants of Israel & the Middle East
Venus, 6th Density
Generally blond-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned humans
Pleiades System 4D
Nordic-type tall muscular humans (original Vikings, Scandinavian races)
Andromedan 4D
Oriental-type humans with small slanted eyes
Antares 4D
Red giant race mentioned in Genesis, Nordic-types, stocky European
Zeta Reticuli 3D
Human incarnates of original Zeta race before hybridization
Zeta Reticuli 3D Hybrid
Human incarnates derived from breeding programs
less than 0.1%
Andromedan 3D Hybrid
Human incarnates derived from breeding programs
less than 0.1%
Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Polaris
Human incarnates from these star systems (mostly 6D-8D)
less than 0.1%
Arcturus 7D-9D
Emissaries incarnate in human form
less than one million
Nibiru (Planet X)
Nibiruan Council members, on and off-planet incarnations
about 80,000
ETs in alien bodies
Humanoids with off-planet incarnations
about 32,000
Walk-ins (soul transfers)
Various races taking over human bodies through soul transfer
about 6,000
Other categories (3D-12D)
Humans from star systems not mentioned above
about 50 million
Other entities (7D or higher)
Spiritual masters from higher dimensions (avatars in manufactured bodies)
about 300.


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