Thursday, 16 May 2013

What is a Soul?

What is a Soul?

A soul is an individualized facet of the Creator. Each of us is an individual soul, but we are also an intrinsic part of the Creator, like a ripple on the ocean. If you strip away all the layers of ego and personality, what remains is our true essence, or soul.

Soul Rays

Different souls tend to radiate different attributes and archetypes of Creation. There is a color scheme that describes the major archetypes. It is the same one used in the chakra system. “Red” tends to mean very passionate and physical, “orange” very social, “yellow” intellectual, “green” Earthy and healing-oriented, “blue” conceptual and mental, “indigo” intuitive and psychic and “violet” higher wisdom and transcendence. While these are only archetypes, it is sometimes useful to categorize souls in this way. Of course, classifications can be a trap, because we are all the Infinite One incarnate. No soul ray is better than any other soul ray – just different. There are many books on the chakras and rays. I suggest you surf the Internet for additional information.

My primary ray is blue, with a sub-ray of white. According to the Right Use of Will evolutionary system, I would be classified as a Blue-White Rainbow Spirit.

Soul Mates

Any soul that you connect with deeply could be considered a “soul mate.” People can have many soul mates. Usually, they are individuals who have similar rays and spiritual paths, and often have been together for many lifetimes off and on.

Twin Flames

A twin flame is a single soul that represents the so-called “other half” of yourself (actually “other whole” is more accurate, as your twin flame is a sovereign being in his/her own right). When souls were originally differentiated from the whole, they split into pairs and then split again and again until they became billions of fragments of the original coded pair. One member of each original soul pair almost always remains in higher dimensions to guide while the other member explores lower worlds.

We are conditioned to believe we must unite with a member of the opposite sex and live happily ever after. Since most of us originally split into pairs of male-female “twin flames,” everything is polarized male-female in the 3D/4D time continuum. Opposites attract as a way of evolving back into balance. The union experienced between male and female is a transcendent state (in the ultimate sense). Each of has a primary gender that is the dominant one during our incarnations. However, in our desire to experience everything about sex, we can take on the opposite gender during particular lifetimes. If we strongly identify with the opposite gender during an incarnation, we may carry that feeling into future lifetimes and end up attracted to the same sex. For example, the twin flame of a predominantly masculine soul inhabiting a female body will be female. As souls continue to evolve, they become more androgynous, having balanced both sides of their nature.


Our individual souls were split off from an oversoul. An oversoul consists of 12 souls that split into six pairs. The twin flame is the other member of each pair. Reuniting with the oversoul is an experience beautiful beyond words. Although all 12 original souls may be off exploring the universe, there is a core essence of the oversoul that remains within each of us. It is this “soul family” that we long to reunite with. Many times our earthly families seem to pale in comparison.
What is a Soul?

A soul is an individualized facet of the Creator. Each of us is an individual soul, but we are also an intrinsic part of the Creator, like a ripple on the ocean. If you strip away all the layers of ego and personality, what remains is our true essence, or soul.

Soul Rays

Different souls tend to radiate different attributes and archetypes of Creation. There is a color scheme that describes the major archetypes. It is the same one used in the chakra system. “Red” tends to mean very passionate and physical, “orange” very social, “yellow” intellectual, “green” Earthy and healing-oriented, “blue” conceptual and mental, “indigo” intuitive and psychic and “violet” higher wisdom and transcendence. While these are only archetypes, it is sometimes useful to categorize souls in this way. Of course, classifications can be a trap, because we are all the Infinite One incarnate. No soul ray is better than any other soul ray – just different. There are many books on the chakras and rays. I suggest you surf the Internet for additional information.

My primary ray is blue, with a sub-ray of white. According to the Right Use of Will evolutionary system, I would be classified as a Blue-White Rainbow Spirit.

Soul Mates

Any soul that you connect with deeply could be considered a “soul mate.” People can have many soul mates. Usually, they are individuals who have similar rays and spiritual paths, and often have been together for many lifetimes off and on.

Twin Flames

A twin flame is a single soul that represents the so-called “other half” of yourself (actually “other whole” is more accurate, as your twin flame is a sovereign being in his/her own right). When souls were originally differentiated from the whole, they split into pairs and then split again and again until they became billions of fragments of the original coded pair. One member of each original soul pair almost always remains in higher dimensions to guide while the other member explores lower worlds.

We are conditioned to believe we must unite with a member of the opposite sex and live happily ever after. Since most of us originally split into pairs of male-female “twin flames,” everything is polarized male-female in the 3D/4D time continuum. Opposites attract as a way of evolving back into balance. The union experienced between male and female is a transcendent state (in the ultimate sense). Each of has a primary gender that is the dominant one during our incarnations. However, in our desire to experience everything about sex, we can take on the opposite gender during particular lifetimes. If we strongly identify with the opposite gender during an incarnation, we may carry that feeling into future lifetimes and end up attracted to the same sex. For example, the twin flame of a predominantly masculine soul inhabiting a female body will be female. As souls continue to evolve, they become more androgynous, having balanced both sides of their nature.


Our individual souls were split off from an oversoul. An oversoul consists of 12 souls that split into six pairs. The twin flame is the other member of each pair. Reuniting with the oversoul is an experience beautiful beyond words. Although all 12 original souls may be off exploring the universe, there is a core essence of the oversoul that remains within each of us. It is this “soul family” that we long to reunite with. Many times our earthly families seem to pale in comparison.

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