Tuesday, 23 July 2013

A parrallel "Nature" was formed when Sirian vegetation/food sources were brought here on Earth, in wich the Sirian "human" race felt at home...

Long ago and in ancient times, soul danced with human form that had been seeded from a third dimensional planet known as Sirius. However human form danced not with earth, as there was no agreement for a relationship between humanity and earth. Instead, human form continued to dance with Sirius, and because Sirius appeared much like earth 50,000 years ago and in the third dimension, humans felt as though they communed with earth and her nature kingdoms. In reality they were communing with Sirian nature kingdoms while living upon earth.

Here Goose perceives the problem of humans traveling long distances upon spacecraft and entering other creations where parallel consensus realities exist. Such consensus realities may look and feel similar to “home” or wherever the human originates; but they are in a different creation and have different agreements. Humans have by in large assumed that they could live anywhere that they chose given the technology that they had. Alas, if there is no agreement for their existence upon a particular planet, then humans moving and living in such a place have no place in the dream or consensus reality of such a planet. So this occurred between humans and earth long ago.

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