There are key factors that create the formula to vibrate at the same frequency of anything you desire:
Follow these five key factors and you can create anything you desire. Here is a short version to review:
Write them down on a 3 by 5 card, that you carry with you at all times. In this way, you can constantly remind yourself how to stay aligned with your desire.

1. Realizing Abundance is a Possibility - The source of everything in this world is consciousness, at the highest level of consciousness every frequency is combined. Consequently this world has a combined frequency of being infinitely abundant in the amount of energy it produces. You must align yourself with that frequency, by seeing the world as an abundant, supporting, positive place.When you change your perspective, you change your experience. This will give you the experience of believing in the possibility of abundance on every level. Certainty shortly follows after belief because your consciousness hits the same level of the highest frequency, where consciousness knows itself as abundance.
2. Know Yourself as Abundance - Abundance is possible because the highest part of consciousness is who you are. You are a total combination of all the layers that make consciousness. When you know yourself as the highest part of consciousness (abundance), you understand that abundance is not out there and you are waiting for it to show up. You are already that which you desire, you just need to match your frequency with who you really are, in order to perceive it as being manifested. In other words, there is no distance between you and that which you desire.
3. Align Your Thoughts With Abundance - Abundance does not have negative thoughts of doubt, unworthiness, guilt, hopelessness, or any other lower vibrational frequency. In the moment, when you notice a negative thought, imagine you have a recycling bin (like on your computer desktop) where your thoughts are located and you can choose to delete any thought. Delete those thoughts and start again with thoughts that match the highest vibrational frequency of abundance. When you have thoughts that feel happy, joyous and good, then you are allowing your alignment to be of abundance.
4. Focus on the End Result of Your Desire - Focusing on the desire as if you already have it, aligns the energy field in order to attract and attach your desire. With this kind of focus, everything you do and say is produced in a passionate way. Act as if you already have your desire and you will produce actions and words of enthusiasm. Keeping a smile on your face, as if you have an abundance of passion, money, love, and life. This is about using actions to produce good feelings of happiness and joy.
5. Know the Abundance of Gratitude & Purpose - Being thankful for all that you experience pushes the lower frequencies away from your experience and keep you aligned with abundance. Give your negative experience a purpose, inside the highest frequency of abundance there is purpose behind everything in existence.
Follow these five key factors and you can create anything you desire. Here is a short version to review:
*See the world in such a way that it will produce your desire
*Know yourself as that which you desire
*Allow only thoughts that make you feel happy
*Act as if you already have that which you desire
*Know gratitude and see purpose in every experience
*Know yourself as that which you desire
*Allow only thoughts that make you feel happy
*Act as if you already have that which you desire
*Know gratitude and see purpose in every experience
Write them down on a 3 by 5 card, that you carry with you at all times. In this way, you can constantly remind yourself how to stay aligned with your desire.

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