Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Kamille Brooke Love

When we resist the resistance we only add fuel to the fire. When we focus our attention on all that is "wrong" in the now, we only draw more of that towards our experience. And this is what we see with our eyes and feel in our hearts. The only way to truly experience change is to shift our focus and perspective towards the beauty, the light, the love, the peace. This can be difficult at times as the ego and the resistance within and around are clinging onto the edge of the cliff as the false power is dwindling. Fingers are getting sore, the body is getting weak, creating imbalance, but this resistance is still clinging onto the ledge. Ego does not understand transformation, only annihilation as my dear friend, Seth Houston, says. Therefore it will convince us to hold on. We do not need to do this any longer. It is time to fly. Let go of the edge, give yourself a break. Feel the release in your physical form and allow your spirit to carry you. Take a leap of faith and let go of the edge. JUMP!! When you take this leap you will find your wings and will soar through this experience with nothing holding you back. Let it all go!!!

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