Sunday, 14 July 2013

If you can just stop for a moment, and be fully present, you will realize that the vast majority of the time, everything is quite fine. You give yourself the illusion that life is far less calm, or that you are far less provided for, by focusing your thoughts either on past events that were painful but are long gone, or with worry about the unknown of the future. Dear Ones, the magic is in the Now! If you can sit in full awareness and just BE, just for a few moments every day, you will begin to trust in this truth and will find yourself becoming far more relaxed and comfortable. If you can add in some gratitude for the abundance of blessings that are always all around you, if you only take the time to see, you will be truly stepping into your mastery. Two simple steps. Be fully present in the Now and practice appreciation. These steps are something you can do, quite easily, right now. They require no special skills, no specific course, no master teacher or investment of money or time to learn, and they are two elements that have the power to change your life profoundly.

~ Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young

July 14 to July 20, 2013 (21/3)

Loyalty in friendships is the theme for this week. It will be a creative period and can also bring inner peace. One key factor is to learn that your energy must not be wasted on fighting things that cannot be changed. Keep the serenity prayer in mind. Because you will be experiencing what loyalty is and who or what you are loyal to, you can experience universal brotherhood and transmute any energies that limit you based on false loyalty. Loyalty has to begin with loyalty to yourself and your own evolution and growth. Judge everything on the basis of its harmony with you. The goal is to use your creativity and find your inner peace.

On Tuesday and Thursday, the master messenger energies combine with the master builder energies of the month. Tuesday’s messages will be all about your growth direction, and Thursday’s messages will focus on clearly seeing your goals and bringing them into reality. Sunday focuses on relationships and brings you a deeper understanding of them. Monday gives you a boost to your imagination so you can crystallize your desires and start new projects based on justice. Wednesday’s energy is a bit restless, so stay connected to your intuition for direction and you will move into happiness and fulfillment. Friday brings more restless energy that is to be used constructively to do things in your own individual way. Saturday increases your awareness and sensitivity to help you bring things into harmony as long as you remain centered in yourself.

~ Rhonda Smith

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