This article was not programmed for this right moment, but seeing all the confusion and doubts, that the previous one generated about the Being and it’s connections, I have decided to go into a deeper explanation.
First of all, it is very challenging to explain something immeasurable using quantitative analogies. We cannot count what is innumerable as we cannot put a number to the infinite.
In levels that go beyond the Third Dimension, the reality takes exclusive forms that escape all Pitagoric or Euclidiane analysis. For this reason to use quantitative terms to explain qualitative properties of adimensionals concepts, it’s a big mistake.
Out of all analogy, in the Upper Dimensions and most of all, in the adimensionality, the concepts that we have of infinite, will turn to finite and vice versa. What for us is infinite, for the Source and the Being are finite. As an example, for a microscopic organism or an atom, the planet is infinite while for us is obviously finite.
So using this concept or basis as a template of understanding, all the created have then a start and an end, and the infinite is only the limit of something immeasurable for us.
When conscious life is created in the Universe, a framework or matrix that it will be needed to move trough, will be created. That framework is the space-conscience of the Source, formed by a 7x 7 matrix of interlaced octaves, like forming a piece of fabric. This framework is sustained by 7 dimensions space-temporal, forming what is called General Matricial Reality of Base 7 ( GMRB7).
When conscious life move trough this matrix, uses spatial matricial coordinates of 7 planes, ( t, u, v, w, x, y, z ) where t is the alpha ( start ) and z the omega ( end ) of the trajectory. The movement among the planes is created in a projective way, as in reality the Being is adimensional and it cannot fully support itself in the GMRB7, therefore it has inevitably to use avatars to move among the lower planes. These Beings created by the Source, which in reality are its avatars as for the same concept previously explained, but in a level of a greater magnitude, are connected to 49 carbon units, one per octave, forming all its existences ( reincarnations) from the past, present and future, housing in its totality the 7x 7 Matrix, and in it’s trajectory of itself, whom will cover all the spectrum of possible realities within the “equation of election”. I am unaware if they are 1 million, or much more or less, that is not relevant and impossible to know at least in this reality and tridimensional dimension.
From these Beings created by the Source in this reality and Universe, about a 52% are and belong to the octave of the Demiurge, and the 48% left are and belong, to the Source’s octave. Therefore an equal percentage of the carbon units have their connection either open or closed to the Being.
From those 49 carbon units connected to the Being, 42 belong to the lower planes of physical matter, and 7 to the upper planes of the spirit. In order for the units of carbon to move through the lower planes, another framework or matrix is created, in this case of 4 x 4, which is the matrix space-time of matricial subjective reality of base 4 ( MSRB4) of 4 dimensions and 16 octaves, one per each “clone” of the carbon unit. Three spatial dimensions that are perceived by our senses, and a mental one perceived as time. Each unit of carbon clone, is connected itself to ( X ) not defined quantity but finite, of “virtual avatars”.
To be continued .....
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