The pineal gland is the third eye
With the start of the golden age, the pineal gland has become very important indeed.
When December 21st, 2012 came and went, many naysayers and doubters pointed out that nothing happened. In actual fact, according to the Mayan’s, we entered the age of the sixth sun. It is said that the sixth sun will help make the world more spiritual, gradually waking up the masses via the pineal gland. This shift will not be overnight, but rather, a gradual collective awakening which will see the old world eventually crumble to the ground. By 2021 the sixth sun will be the major influence on the planet.
The people in power are also aware of the power of the pineal gland, because as this develops, they lose their power, because people become more spiritual and covet materialism less and less. This is why fluoride – which was used as rat poison in the fifties – is being used and promoted. It calcifies the pineal gland, among other harmful effects to the body. There is also no concrete evidence fluoride actually improves your teeth, in fact; people who do not use it have teeth just as healthy. However, despite fluoride in toothpaste, bottled water, and water systems, one can re-activate the pineal gland with the wonderful powers of the sun. All one needs is twenty minutes a day in the sun, without a hat, and it will stimulate a calcified fluoride pineal gland. Meditation and affirmations also help, along with good food and ample downtime.
The pineal gland, also called the third eye, is said to be a portal to one’s higher self. In order to understand the higher self, one must understand we are spirits having a physical experience. The pineal gland accesses intuition from the higher self and can result in a blissful life through connection to the superconscious mind.
The pineal gland, and the retina, naturally produces melatonin and serotonin for all living creatures on the earth.
Melatonin helps people with sleep disorders, and is a natural sleeping aid. The reason one may not be getting enough, is the fluoride laced in the water system. Melatonin is also a powerful natural antioxidant, can aid with depression symptoms, is anti-aging, can supress cancer and can help with sexual dysfunction. Therefore by having a healthy pineal gland, one may not need drugs for sexual arousal, depressions drugs, sleep drugs, antioxidant drugs and so on. This would pretty much zap the pharmaceutical industry, and all we have to do is change our way of life to promote a healthy pineal gland.
Serotonin is a chemical that maintains a happy healthy balanced mental state of mind. Through their rituals, Shamans use various plants to mimic the production of serotonin to benefit their clients. Serotonin can help
improve one’s mood, regulate the appetite and increase memory and
promote learning.
The pineal gland is said to be magnetic and is the primary source for navigation with birds during their migration periods. Every living creature has one, what a great gift from god!
The pineal gland is right in the center of the brain, and as the name suggests is shaped like a pine cone. The pineal gland is the image faculty where creativity and imagination are born. This is where the inner eye uses visualization techniques to bring ideas and manifestations to life; it is essentially the mind’s eye. It is the key to spiritual development, and living as one with nature and mother earth. Therefore become dreamers, and perform intense visualizations through the mind`s eye and one will have breakthrough`s down the road that will change one`s life direction.
To keep the pineal gland healthy, avoid fluoride, soft drinks, fast food, processed food, refined sugars and pharmaceutical drugs related to anti-depressants, and likely other drugs as well. Use Maple Syrup and Honey as alternatives to processed sugars.
Should one feel the pineal gland is too far gone and cannot be repaired, due to the reasons above; there is answer for that as well. It’s called sun gazing. Sun gazing reactivates the pineal gland and actually grows it. Hira Ratan Manek is the father of this ancient technique, so please google his website to see how to sun gaze safely and also discover the benefits of doing it.
The pineal gland is of utmost importance to the health of every person on this planet. There is a concerted effort to deprive people of the sunshine through the use of jets spraying “clouds” from their wings, and calcify the pineal gland through the use of various chemicals.
The only possible explanation for all of this must be that whoever is in control is about to lose their kingdom because people are waking up all over the world knowing that we have co-creative abilities. Jesus has referred to this many times through his teachings, with such sayings as;
The main message in all of this is to get as much sun as you can to reactivate the pineal gland and connect with one’s higher self. Do research on sunglasses, sunscreens, tanning studios, tanning pills and come to your own conclusion on whether they are helping or harming you. Remember, the body has a built in mechanism that will let you know if one is getting too much sun, and it’s called a sunburn; and the sun has far too many benefits for people to be covering up every part of your body with objects or dangerous man-made lotions.
Get out there and enjoy life! Use common sense when doing anything and grow that pineal gland, because when we connect to the super conscious mind, the sky is the limit.
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