Questioner: How to stop thinking?
OSHO: I say: Just watch, be alert. And drop this idea of stopping, otherwise it will stop the natural transformation of the mind. Drop this idea of stopping! Who are you to stop? At the most, enjoy.
And nothing is wrong - even if immoral thoughts, so-called immoral thoughts, pass through your mind, let them pass; nothing is wrong. You remain detached. No harm is being done. It is just fiction; you are seeing an inner movie. Allow it its own way and it will lead you, by and by, to the state of no-mind. Watching ultimately culminates in no-mind. No-mind is not against mind: no-mind is beyond mind. No-mind does not come by killing and destroying the mind: no-mind comes when you have understood the mind so totally that thinking is no longer needed - your understanding has replaced it.
~ Osho
...from: A Sudden Clash of Thunder (talks on Zen stories) #2
OSHO: I say: Just watch, be alert. And drop this idea of stopping, otherwise it will stop the natural transformation of the mind. Drop this idea of stopping! Who are you to stop? At the most, enjoy.
And nothing is wrong - even if immoral thoughts, so-called immoral thoughts, pass through your mind, let them pass; nothing is wrong. You remain detached. No harm is being done. It is just fiction; you are seeing an inner movie. Allow it its own way and it will lead you, by and by, to the state of no-mind. Watching ultimately culminates in no-mind. No-mind is not against mind: no-mind is beyond mind. No-mind does not come by killing and destroying the mind: no-mind comes when you have understood the mind so totally that thinking is no longer needed - your understanding has replaced it.
~ Osho
...from: A Sudden Clash of Thunder (talks on Zen stories) #2
July 13, 2013 – Activation Continues
MARS enters the charged portal of Cancer for further activation of all of us, into direct action, manifesting dreams intoform. We are underground, growing new world flowers out of tiny seeds, just opening–already shooting up toward the sun of a whole new world. This new world is based on love, honor for all of life and sustainable systems that give back, based on natural laws.
SUN SEXTILES MOON, Cancer to Virgo at 8:26 am, pdt, sending us into a VOID after that between MOON in Virgo and MOON in Libra. This void is a void of cleansing and preparing for the next romantic encounter with life.
Since we are in the middle of a giant activation, in the month of July, each day is a further activation. If we find ourselves uncomfortable, suffering, or unhappy in the “wrong place,” at the “wrong time” or with the “wrong people,” then we need to consider how we are going to shift this energy before July 28th, when we send a creative imprint through time and space, with whatever we are thinking and doing. It is a good idea, between now and July 28th, to be weaving more and more of a position of building a new life’s work that is in alignment with a “new more sustainable dream of humanity.” This month is a month of intensely powerful manifestation that will affect us for year’s to come. The goodness in this, is our ability to send a “dream-print,” that is very specific, through the visionary, imaginal realms, directly to the unfolding creation web of life. The web of life is receptive to our imagination right now, and will continue to be.
This puts a lot of responsibility on us as creators, visualizers, imagers, and inventors of a new way. May we utilize this creation window like a bird who has been caged –out a new door. May we remember to claim our freedom when it is before us. Our freedom is before us now. May we fully claim it with our envisioning mind.
~ Starweather via Azlan White
The people who come into your life with whom you share strong emotional attachments (including difficult emotions) are here to help you face unhealed issues from your past.
Many of us are living "karmic clean-up lives," in which we meet people from past lifetimes. If you had a painful past with this person, you are now given the opportunity to choose a different ending to your story.
You could call them your "soul mates" because they are mates/friends to help your soul to grow, learn, and empower. Soulmate relationships aren't always romantic in nature and aren't necessarily forever -- they can be short-lived partnerships.
Unbalanced karma has a magnetic energy. You'll know it's a soulmate if you have an instant attraction to the person, positive or negative. As soon as the healing and purpose has been served in the relationship, you will feel a lessening of this emotional pull.
A prayer to heal old karma: "Dear Creator, thank you for helping me to loosen the binds of old unhealed anger with (name of person). Thank you for showing me the light and love within this relationship, so that I can see the lesson and blessings within. I am open to insights about truth about this relationship. I drop all defenses now and am completely open to seeing, feeling, and knowing the truth.
~ Doreen Virtue
Many of us are living "karmic clean-up lives," in which we meet people from past lifetimes. If you had a painful past with this person, you are now given the opportunity to choose a different ending to your story.
You could call them your "soul mates" because they are mates/friends to help your soul to grow, learn, and empower. Soulmate relationships aren't always romantic in nature and aren't necessarily forever -- they can be short-lived partnerships.
Unbalanced karma has a magnetic energy. You'll know it's a soulmate if you have an instant attraction to the person, positive or negative. As soon as the healing and purpose has been served in the relationship, you will feel a lessening of this emotional pull.
A prayer to heal old karma: "Dear Creator, thank you for helping me to loosen the binds of old unhealed anger with (name of person). Thank you for showing me the light and love within this relationship, so that I can see the lesson and blessings within. I am open to insights about truth about this relationship. I drop all defenses now and am completely open to seeing, feeling, and knowing the truth.
~ Doreen Virtue
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