Monday, 15 July 2013

Ascension Report July 2013: Flying Without Instruments and the Great Breakthrough

We are deep in the middle of a huge astrological configuration as you can read all about on the web. Clearing and core work as a planet and an individual is what I am feeling.

I have actually “stopped” long enough to “feel” my way through this and it is heavy work. I have created the perfect conditions for me to get deeply in touch with my heart on an emotional level so that I can keep clearing all that needs to clear. Am I transmuting this for others and assisting Gaia with this work? Am I spending time in our new 5D Earth right now, helping to build the new golden age? Of this I cannot answer because I am feeling my way through this density and learning new levels of letting go. And I know the journey is through the heart.

This may come for some as questioning one’s destiny work or it may come as having the rug being pulled from beneath you. Or it may just be an observation of the intensity of the times. But this is a big one and a deep one.

The best description is flying without instruments and the holy s— moment of “where is my perfect and infallible guidance?” The best relief is knowing the moment will come with the “Great Breakthrough”of light and brilliance just ahead, if we can just be patient in the void.

We are all in this movie theater together, on the edge of our seats, holding our breath, waiting for the break in the clouds and the searing ray of light to strike our faces. And then of course, the heart melting moment of knowing we have finally broken through.

One tender footed step at a time…

Love to all
Giselle Koy
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